AWAC Election Results

Congratulations to all of our new AWAC board members!

Dear AWAC Members:

The AWAC Executive Committee is very pleased to announce the results of the 2022 AWAC Election.

AWAC welcomes these individuals to the AWAC Executive Board in the following roles:

  • Incoming Chair: Justin Rademaekers, Associate Professor of English, West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Justin has been serving as AWAC secretary for the past three years.
  • Secretary: Karen Moroski-Rigney, Associate Director of the Writing Center, Michigan State University. Karen is new to AWAC leadership, and we welcome her to the AWAC Executive Committee. She will serve a three-year term.
  • Treasurer: Laurie Britt-Smith, Director of the Center for Writing, College of Holy Cross. Laurie will serve a second three-year term as AWAC treasurer.
  • Communication Committee Chair: Chrystal Fodrey, Director of the Writing Program at Moravian University. Chrystal has served on the AWAC Communication Committee since 2020 and will serve a two-year term as Chair.
  • WAC Graduate Organization Chair: Barbara Green, Assistant Chair of Composition and Writing Across the Curriculum at Purdue University Global. Barbara is new to the AWAC Executive Board and will serve a one-year term.

We look forward to working with all of our new AWAC board members. The new terms begin July 1, 2022. Congratulations to all!

The AWAC Executive Committee
Ann Blakeslee, Chair
Doug Hesse, Incoming Chair
Stacey Sheriff, Outgoing Chair
Justin Rademaekers, Secretary
Laurie Britt-Smith, Treasurer
Sherri Craig, Member-at-large
Paula Rosinski, Member-at-larger

Congratulations to the WAC Clearinghouse!

Call for Proposals for Special AWAC Session at EWCA in Graz, Austria, July 6-9, 2022

AWAC has been granted a sponsored session at the European Writing Centers Association conference to take place in person in Graz, Austria, from July 6-9, 2022. The theme of the conference is “Writing Centers as Spaces of Empowerment” (the conference website is at For this panel, we solicit proposals based on the following CPF:

Writing Centers and WAC: Relationships Between Students and Faculty/Academic Staff

The mission of writing centers typically supports both the improvement of students’ writing projects and the more general enhancement of their writing abilities through face-to-face and online tutorial consultations, workshops and seminars, and visits to classes for brief presentations on tailored topics. Indirectly, faculty/academic staff learn about students’ writing challenges from these consultations and visits, and may adjust their own assignment design or other aspects of their pedagogy from this knowledge. But it is not usually in the main purview of writing centers to work systematically and transformationally with faculty/academic staff across the curriculum on deeper areas of writing support, such as the creation of learning-based writing activities; support for the development of larger projects such as the inclusion of student peer review or the scaffolding of writing episodes; or the development of clear, principled evaluation criteria. Such faculty-development work is normally in the province of writing-across-the-curriculum (WAC) or writing-in-the-disciplines (WID) programs, which are designed to enhance writing pedagogy through the support and intervention of the instructors themselves.

This panel, sponsored by the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (, will bring together scholar-educators to discuss current and potential interconnections between writing centers and WAC/WID programs, or potential expansions of student-facing writing centers to include significant work with faculty/academic staff for their increased and enhanced involvement in the development of their students’ discipline- or course/module-specific writing abilities. In particular, we seek presentations that might address the following questions, but these are by no means exhaustive:

  • What role do writing centers play in the enhancement of discipline-based faculty/academic staff to intervene in and support their own students’ writing processes, activities, and development?
  • How might or do existing WAC/WID programs partner effectively with writing centers to help an institution develop a “culture” of writing rather than locating writing support in specific programs or units?
  • How can writing centers create a more equitable balance between their own student support and the support needed from instructors within specific courses/modules?
  • What theoretical and practical challenges do leaders of writing centers and those who work in them face when they identify shortcomings in the way that faculty/academic staff assign, support, or evaluate their students’ writing? What programmatic efforts might work effectively between the writing center and the instructors to help reduce these challenges?

Proposals can be theoretically or empirically driven and should:

  • Be approximately 300 words
  • Include a title for the presentation
  • Clearly address the focus of the session
  • Be grounded in existing literature relevant to the topic
  • State potential or demonstrated significance for the field
  • Be inquiry- and evidence-based
  • Identify the speaker(s) and their affiliations
  • Include contact information (email, phone, address) for the lead or solo proposer
  • Include 3-5 keywords

Please note that the preferred language of the conference is English but that in the interest of inclusivity, the EWCA welcomes those would feel more comfortable presenting in another language, in which case, please provide an English translation of your proposal.

Please submit proposals as attached Word files via email, with the subject line “AWAC-Sponsored Panel EWCA 2020,” NO LATER THAN MAR. 1, 2022, to:

Chris Anson:  ude.uscn@nosna_sirhc

Federico Navarro: lc.hou@orravan

Upon acceptance, panelists must be members of AWAC or become members.

AWAC Business Meeting: June 15th, 3:30-5:00PM EST

Please join us for the AWAC Annual Business Meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, June 15th from 3:30-5:00 PM EST.

Read on for the meeting invitation and agenda, below. Note: to avoid Zoom bombing, the meeting password is omitted below. Please check your email for the June 11 message from “AWAC gro.noitaicossacaw@yraterceswith the subject “AWAC Business Meeting Zoom Link” for the password or email the Secretary directly.


It has been a tumultuous year for many, and our annual business meeting is an important moment for all of us to reflect not only on what AWAC has been able to do (and not do) during the 2020-21 academic year, but also on what we would like to become as an organization. How can AWAC best fulfill its mission to “bring together the intellectual, human, political, and economic capital of the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) community to better support and grow WAC as a global intellectual and pedagogical movement”? Just as importantly, as a young organization, we must also ask: How can we bring antiracist practices to all aspects of AWAC and, by extension, WAC work?

To this end, this year’s meeting will have two elements:

  1. A report on the work of AWAC from June 2020 to July 2021, including reports on committee accomplishments from the chairs.
  1. A conversation about racism and antiracist practices with the concrete goal of brainstorming answers to the question, How can we bring antiracist practices to all aspects of AWAC and WAC work?

In preparation for the June 15th meeting, we encourage you to reflect on this question with respect to the full range of AWAC’s work, including the way AWAC is organized and how we function procedurally as an organization; the IWAC conference and WACSI events; our sponsored workshops and panels; our publications, research, and scholarship in WAC journals, the WAC Clearinghouse, and through other venues; our pedagogy and work in WAC classrooms; and our WAC faculty development.

As you reflect, you might find it helpful to view this video of our most recent virtual WAC pedagogy workshop, “WAC Pedagogy, Equity, and Antiracism.” Drs. Teresa Redd, Zhaozhe Wang, and Kate Drezek McConnell talk about the many challenges to achieving equity in WAC programs and solutions for developing antiracist practices in WAC courses.

Please take some time to reflect on antiracism and AWAC and please JOIN US for our June 15th 3:30pm EST meeting.
Zoom link:  Meeting ID: 980 2103 8206.

Thank you,

The AWAC Executive Committee


2021 Election Results

Congratulations to the following new members of the AWAC Executive Board:

Incoming Chair, Executive Committee
Doug Hesse, University of Denver
(chairs rotate through 1-year terms as Incoming, Current, and Outgoing chair)

Members-at-Large (2-year term)
Sherri Craig, Westchester University
Paula Rosinski, Elon University

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair (2-year term)
Co-Chairs Swan Kim | LaKeisha McClary (Confirmed)

International Collaborations Committee Chair (2-year term)
Co-Chairs Chris Anson | Federico Navarro (Confirmed)

Mentoring Committee Chair (2-year term)
Co-Chairs Amy Cicchino | Lindsay Clark (Confirmed)

Research and Publications Committee Chair (2-year term)
Co-Chairs Heather Falconer |Chris Basgier (Confirmed)

WAC Graduate Organization AWAC Committee Chair (1-year term)
Mandy Olejnik, Miami University of Ohio (Confirmed)

WAC Summer Institute Committee Chair (2-year term)
Alisa Russell, Wake Forest University (Confirmed)

Partnerships Committee Chair (2-year term)
Brad Jacobsen, University of Texas El Paso (Confirmed)

Note: Board Members assume their roles on July 1, 2021.

Ballot Question #1: Approved.
The following italicized text shall be added to bylaw 5.03 Terms:
4. Chairs of standing committees shall serve two-year terms. The WAC-GO AWAC Committee chair is an exception; this chair shall serve a one-year term.

AWAC Virtual Workshop: WAC Pedagogy, Equity, and Anti-Racism

WAC Pedagogy, Equity, and Anti-Racism

AWAC members are invited to attend a virtual workshop on WAC pedagogy, equity, and anti-racism on Thursday, April 1st, 3:30-5:00 ET on Zoom. Register for the event here. Please register by 5:00 ET on March 30th.


Workshop Description


Conformity or Equity?: Designing WAC Assignments to Promote Equity in the Curriculum

Presenter:  Teresa Redd, former director of Writing Across the Curriculum and the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Assessment at Howard University

Description: Drawing upon Critical Language Pedagogy, the presenter will examine how WAC assignments can promote conformity or equity in the curriculum. First, she will demonstrate how WAC privileges the canons and conventions of the dominant group in a discipline.  Then she will expose the consequences: how WAC assignments marginalize people of color by requiring students to conform to canons and conventions that often do not include their perspectives or address their needs. Finally, by sharing excerpts from WAC assignments from Howard University, she will illustrate how some Howard faculty have designed WAC assignments to create an equitable curriculum that can benefit all students.

Presenter Bio: Teresa Redd directed Howard University’s Writing Across the Curriculum Program for 24 years as well as the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Assessment for nearly 13.  She also served on the Board of Consultants of the International Network of Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Programs for 19 years.  She is best known for co-authoring A Teacher’s Introduction to African American English: What a Writing Teacher Should Know, published by the National Council of Teachers of English (2005).  Since retiring, she has served as a WAC consultant and published “Breaking Out of the Box: Expanding the WAC Program at Howard University” in Shirley Logan and Wayne Slater’s volume Academic and Professional Writing in an Age of Accountability (Southern Illinois University Press, 2018).


Autoethnography as a Site of Negotiation for Linguistic Justice


Presenter:  Zhaozhe Wang, doctoral candidate in the Department of English at Purdue University

Description: This presentation will draw our attention to international multilingual students who are victims of tacit or explicit linguistic racism on campus. The presenter will begin with a call for meaningful advocacy work in the disciplines, then introduce an autoethnography assignment designed to cultivate linguistic equity and combat linguistic racism. The description of the assignment will be illustrated with a student case. The presenter will conclude by offering suggestions on how to appropriate the assignment for WAC/WID contexts.

Presenter Bio: Zhaozhe Wang is a doctoral candidate in the Department of English at Purdue University, where he teaches writing and communication. His work, broadly exploring multilingual literacy and transnational digital/public rhetorics, has appeared in journals such as College Composition and Communication, Composition Forum, and Rhetoric Society Quarterly. He is also co-editor of Reconciling Translingualism and Second Language Writing.

What the Written Communication ‘Landscape of Learning’ Reveals about Equity in Undergraduate Learning

Presenter: Kate Drezek McConnell, Assistant Vice President for Research & Assessment and Director of the VALUE Institute, AAC&U

Description: AAC&U’s inaugural Landscape of Learning report spans five years (2014-2019) of findings on student learning outcomes gathered from samples of student work submitted by campuses and evaluated by national panels of scorers using the VALUE (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education) rubrics. For written communication, the most frequently subscribed outcome, results are based on over 20,000 scored pieces of student work. This presentation will share aggregate results for Written Communication focused on equity, diversity across higher education sectors, and quality of learning within the undergraduate curriculum.

Presenter Bio: Kate Drezek McConnell, PhD, is Assistant Vice President for Research & Assessment and Director of the VALUE Institute, AAC&U’s nationwide assessment system that enables any higher education provider (institution, PCE program, academic department, state, consortium, etc.) to collect and upload samples of student work to a digital repository and have the work scored by certified VALUE Institute scorers for external validation of institutional learning assessment. An educational psychologist by training, Dr. McConnell has written extensively on the reliability and validity of the VALUE approach to assessment. Her other research and campus consultations focus on using course-embedded assessment to improve teaching and learning while also addressing accountability and accreditation requirements; course-embedded assessment; aligning pedagogy with assessment efforts; faculty development; and leveraging the learning sciences in teaching, assessment, and evaluation. Before joining AAC&U, Dr. McConnell spent ten years at Virginia Tech working in assessment and evaluation as well as serving as affiliate faculty in Virginia Tech’s graduate program in educational psychology, teaching courses on cognitive processes and effective college teaching. She received a BA from the University of Virginia, an MA in history from Providence College (Rhode Island), and a PhD in educational psychology from Virginia Tech.

WAC Listserv

The WAC listserv (WAC-L) is hosted by the University of Illinois Center for Writing Studies. It was started by Gail Harwisher in 1991 and is now managed by Peter Mortensen. WAC-L is open to all who are interested in WAC and provides an important forum for conversations about WAC program development, research, and pedagogy.

Rather than establish a separate listserv, AWAC has agreed to point AWAC members to the University of Illionois’ WAC-L.

Subscribe to WAC-L.

Questions about WAC-L may be directed to Peter Mortensen (ude.sionilli@snetromp)

INWAC Statement of WAC Principles and Practices

Developed by the International Network of Writing Across the Curriculum Programs (which is now the CCCC WAC Standing Group and endorsed by the CCCC Executive Committee in 2014, this comprehensive statement lays out a definition of WAC, goals and practices of WAC program development, WAC pedagogy, and WAC program assessment, followed by a bibliography of resources.

This statement was developed by an INWAC Committee in 2014. This committee included:

  • Michelle Cox, Dartmouth College, Committee Chair
  • Susan Chaudoir, University of Alberta
  • Michael Cripps, University of New England
  • Jeff Galin, Florida Atlantic University
  • Jonathan Hall, York College
  • O. Brian Kaufman, Quinebaug Valley Community College
  • Suzanne Lane, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Mary McMullen-Light, Johnson County Community College
  • Mya Poe, Northeastern University
  • Teresa Redd, Howard University
  • Lori Salem, Temple University
  • Christopher Thaiss, University of California, Davis
  • Marty Townsend, University of Missouri
  • Terry Myers Zawacki, George Mason University, emeritus

View the Statement in PDF format.

WAC Clearinghouse

The WAC Clearinghouse is widely regarded as the leading website supporting the use of writing and speaking in courses across the curriculum. The Clearinghouse publishes open-access journals and books of interest to the writing-across-the-curriculum community, hosts the CompPile database, provides a wide range of web-based resources for instructors who wish to use writing in their courses, and supports research in the use of writing to support learning and teaching.

The Clearinghouse editors and members have compiled the following resources to support scholarly inquiry in WAC, CAC, and ECAC; WAC program development and operation; the teaching of writing; and student writers.

WAC Resources

The Clearinghouse offers numerous resources for WAC scholars, program administrators, and faculty, including an introduction to WAC, WAC Links, a list of WAC programs, lists of scholarly journals and email lists, and several special areas devoted to issues such as writing fellows programs and teaching second-language learners.

Teaching Resources

The Clearinghouse community offers several sets of resources to support teachers interested in using writing in their courses. These include a rich collection of teaching guides, the University of Delaware’s Teaching tips, access to the archives of Bedford Bits, and a list of links to teaching resources elsewhere on the web.

Writing Resources

The WAC Clearinghouse provides a range of resources for writers. Many of these are adapted from the Writing@CSU website, which supported writers and teachers from its initial establishment in 1993 at Colorado State University. Resources include more than 80 writing guides, which cover topics ranging from developing ideas for a writing project to genres in a range of disciplines to up-to-date citation guides to systems including APA, MLA, CSE, and Chicago.

AWAC members receive a 25% discount on print copies of books co-published by the WAC Clearinghouse and the Colorado State University Open Press. View the catalogue.

This content is for members only.
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AWAC Board of Consultants

What is the Board of Consultants?

The AWAC Board of Consultants are AWAC members who have expertise in WAC program administration and pedagogy, and have been vetted by the AWAC Mentoring Committee and AWAC Executive Committee. These consultants may be contacted with invitations to lead WAC workshops, review WAC programs, and promote WAC program development.

The consultants set their own fees. AWAC is providing this list as a service to the field and does not directly benefit from consultations arranged between Consultant Board members and the institutions that hire them. Those interested in utilizing the Board of Consultants service can either email the board member directly or complete our Consultant Request Form.

Meet Our Board Members

Our Board of Consultant members have years of experience and expertise to share with others. Below are short bios for each of our members, an abbreviated CV, and a list of their areas of expertise:

Read Chris’ CV 

Email Chris at ude.uscn@nosnac 

Distinguished University Professor and Alumni Association Distinguished Graduate Professor at North Carolina State University, Chris is Senior Strategic Advisor for the Campus Writing and Speaking Program. He has published 19 books and over 140 articles and book chapters relating to writing research and instruction, and has led faculty workshops in 35 countries. He is Past Chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication and Past President of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, and will assume the position of Chair of the International Society for the Advancement of Writing Research. His full c.v. is at

Areas of Expertise

Assessment Processes, Communication across the Curriculum, Global WAC practice, Graduate-Student Communication, Inclusive and Equitable Practices (including teaching and administrative practices that emphasize inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility), Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs, Program Assessment, Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Secondary and Post-Secondary WAC Connections, Starting a WAC Program, STEM/STEAM Disciplines, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Quality Enhancement Plans, Writing-Intensive Curriculum, Writing-Enriched Curriculum, Progressive approaches to plagiarism and source use; writing to learn; WAC and digital technologies

Read Ann’s CV

Email Ann at ude.hcime@elsekalba 

Ann Blakeslee is Professor and Director of Campus & Community Writing at Eastern Michigan University. Blakeslee coordinates the writing center, WAC, Eastern Michigan Writing Project, and YpsiWrites. She is outgoing chair of AWAC and Associate Publisher for Books, Monographs, and Conference Proceedings for WAC Clearinghouse. She is an ATTW Fellow. In addition to WAC, her interests include workplace writing, learning transfer, community writing centers, writing assessment, secondary and post-secondary partnerships, qualitative research, and faculty professional learning. 

Areas of Expertise

Assessment Processes, Graduate-Student Communication, Health Sciences, Inclusive and Equitable Practices (including teaching and administrative practices that emphasize inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility), Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs, Program Assessment, Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Secondary and Post-Secondary WAC Connections, Starting a WAC Program, STEM/STEAM Disciplines, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Writing Centers, Writing-Intensive Curriculum

Read Michelle’s CV

Email Michelle at ude.llenroc@522ctm 

Michelle (Cox) Crow, Ph.D., directs the English Language Support Office, a communication support program for international graduate students, in Cornell University’s Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines. She is the inaugural chair of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum, past chair of the CCCC Standing Group on WAC, and former chair of the Consortium on Graduate Communication. Her scholarship focuses on WAC theory and program administration, writing pedagogy, graduate writing, and multilingual writing.

Areas of Expertise

Graduate-Student Communication, Inclusive and Equitable Practices (including teaching and administrative practices that emphasize inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility), International/Multilingual Communication, Starting a WAC Program, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Writing Centers

Read Tom’s CV

Email Tom at ude.nnocu@snaed.mot 

Tom Deans is Professor of English at the University of Connecticut, where he leads efforts to promote writing across the curriculum and directs the writing center. He has expertise in writing-intensive courses and leads pedagogy workshops for faculty and teaching assistants across the disciplines. He is founding co-editor of the Oxford Guides to Writing in the Disciplines and is currently working on projects in STEM writing. Before coming to UConn, Tom was founding director of an interdisciplinary writing program at Haverford College, so he understands both small liberal arts colleges and large public universities.

Areas of Expertise

Assessment Processes, Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs, Program Assessment, Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Secondary and Post-Secondary WAC Connections, STEM/STEAM Disciplines, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Writing Centers, Writing-Intensive Curriculum

Read Crystal’s CV

Email Crystal at ude.ellivsiuol@yerdof.latsyrc

Crystal N. Fodrey is a term Associate Professor of English at the University of Louisville. Previously she served as the Founding Executive Director of the Center for Academic Excellence and directed the award-winning Writing at Moravian program at Moravian University. Her research is grounded in her dedication to well theorized and effective teaching, administrative, and assessment practices as they relate to writing across the curriculum and has appeared in Across the DisciplinesComposition ForumThe WAC JournalWriting-Enriched Curricula: Models of Faculty-Driven and Departmental Transformation, Writing Assessment at Small Liberal Arts Colleges, and elsewhere.

Areas of Expertise

Accreditation (Middle States), Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs, Program Assessment, Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Writing-Enriched Curriculum

Read Jeff’s CV

Email Jeff at ude.uaf@nilagj 

Jeffrey Galin is the founding director of FAU’s University Center for Excellence in Writing, WAC program, Professional English Language Support program, and Community Center for Excellence in Writing. His most recent co-authored book is Sustainable WAC: A Whole Systems Approach to Launching and Developing Writing Across the Curriculum Programs, which provides a theoretical framework, methodology, strategies, and tactics for developing sustainable WAC programs. He has consulted for small, medium, and large institutions, including community colleges. 

Areas of Expertise

Assessment Processes, Community & Two-Year Colleges, Communication across the Curriculum, Global WAC practice, Graduate-Student Communication, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Inclusive and Equitable Practices (including teaching and administrative practices that emphasize inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility), International/Multilingual Communication, Online/Hybrid, Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs, Program Assessment, Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Starting a WAC Program, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Quality Enhancement Plans, Writing Centers, Writing-Intensive Curriculum, Writing-Enriched Curriculum

Read Alyson’s CV

Email Alyson at ude.etatsoloc@ffuh.a 

Like a unicorn, Alyson is a rare find in WAC. In addition to being the WAC Director at a two-year school for over a decade, a Founding Member of AWAC, a Writing Center consultant, and an IWAC Advisory Board member, she is also a Philosophy teacher! This interdisciplinary perspective fuels her passion for teaching and learning across disciplines and programs. 

Areas of Expertise

Assessment Processes, Community & Two-Year Colleges, Health Sciences, Inclusive and Equitable Practices (including teaching and administrative practices that emphasize inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility), Online/Hybrid, Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs, Program Assessment, Writing Centers, alternative forms of assessment (i.e., holistic assessment)

Read Sandra’s CV

Email Sandra at ude.werd@oseimajs 

Sandra Jamieson is Professor of English and Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at Drew University, where she works with faculty developing and teaching WAC courses and directs an undergraduate writing fellows program. In addition to reviewing programs and consulting on QEPs, she runs workshops across the US on all aspects of writing, information literacy, and academic integrity. Her publications include the Bedford Guide to Teaching Writing in the Disciplines, and Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines.

Areas of Expertise

Accreditation (Middle States), Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs, Program Assessment, Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Starting a WAC Program, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Quality Enhancement Plans, Writing-Intensive Curriculum, Writing-Enriched Curriculum

Read Mike’s CV

Email Mike at ude.etatsoloc@tsiuqmlap.ekim 

Mike Palmquist is Professor of English and University Distinguished Teaching Scholar at Colorado State University. His scholarly interests include writing across the curriculum, the effects of computer and network technologies on writing instruction, and new approaches to scholarly publishing. He is founding editor and publisher of the WAC Clearinghouse (, a publishing collaborative that provides open access to more than 175 scholarly books, more than a dozen refereed journals, and a wide range of instructional and professional resources. In 2021, he was named Distinguished Fellow of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum.

Areas of Expertise

Global WAC practice, Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Program Assessment, Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Starting a WAC Program, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program

Read Tiffany’s CV

Email Tiffany at ude.ccls@lucsuort 

Tiffany Rousculp is the founding director of the Salt Lake Community College Writing Across the College program which she developed within praxis and pedagogies derived from her work and scholarship regarding community writing centers. The WAC program supports student learning by providing SLCC faculty, staff, and administrators with a wide variety of resources to confidently engage with writing in their teaching and professional activities and by leading equitable college-wide writing assessment practices.

Areas of Expertise

Community & Two-Year Colleges, Inclusive and Equitable Practices (including teaching and administrative practices that emphasize inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility), Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Starting a WAC Program, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Writing Centers

Read Shawanda’s CV 

Email Shawanda at ude.uth@trawetsjs 

Shawanda Stewart teaches writing and rhetoric courses in the Dept. of English and Communication at Huston-Tillotson University, a private liberal arts HBCU. Her primary research interests include rhetoric, language ideology and culture, anti-racist writing pedagogy and assessment, and first-year composition pedagogy. Stewart has a genuine interest in research and scholarship that examines and promotes writing transfer and identity authenticity through language in the college composition classroom.

Areas of Expertise

Assessment Processes, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Inclusive and Equitable Practices (including teaching and administrative practices that emphasize inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility), Online/Hybrid, Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Writing-Enriched Curriculum

Read Chris’ CV 

Email Chris at ude.sivadcu@ssiahtjc 

Christopher Thaiss, Professor Emeritus of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of California, Davis, serves regularly as a consultant and program reviewer, including internationally as a Fulbright Specialist. Thaiss coordinated the International Network of WAC Programs (2005-2015). At UC Davis, he directed the University Writing Program, directed the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, coordinated the cross-disciplinary First-Year Seminar Program, and chaired the PhD emphasis in writing and rhetoric. Until 2006, he taught at George Mason University, where he chaired the English Department and directed the composition and WAC programs and the university writing center. Thaiss has written, co-written, or edited fourteen books, most recently Writing Science in the Twenty-First Century (Broadview, 2019) and A Short History of Writing Instruction, 4th ed. (Routledge, 2020). For more information, see 

Areas of Expertise

Accreditation (SACSCOC, WASC), Communication across the Curriculum, Global WAC practice, Graduate-Student Communication, Online/Hybrid, Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs, Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Starting a WAC Program, STEM/STEAM Disciplines, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Writing-Intensive Curriculum, Writing-Enriched Curriculum

Read Molly’s CV

Email Molly at ude.nmu.r@nesebbum 

Molly E. Ubbesen, Ph.D. (she/they) is Assistant Professor and Director of Writing at University of Minnesota Rochester. She applies critical disability studies to writing studies to support accessible and effective teaching and learning. Dr. Ubbesen has published work in Writing Program Administration, Composition Forum, and Disability Studies Quarterly. She is on the editorial team for the follow-up of the foundational text Disability and the Teaching of Writing, and she is also working on a research project about accessible assessment. 

Areas of Expertise

Assessment Processes, Inclusive and Equitable Practices (including teaching and administrative practices that emphasize inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility), Online/Hybrid, Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs

Read Elizabeth’s CV

Email Elizabeth at ude.hoimaim@aeeldraw 

Elizabeth Wardle is Howe Distinguished Professor of Written Communication and Director of the Howe Center for Writing Excellence at Miami University, where she takes primary responsibility for faculty development initiatives. She was previously department chair and director of writing programs at the University of Central Florida. She has co-authored five books about writing instruction and program design and won numerous teaching awards and been recognized for leading two writing programs of excellence. 

Areas of Expertise

Communication across the Curriculum, Graduate-Student Communication, Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs, Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Starting a WAC Program, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Writing-Intensive Curriculum, Writing-Enriched Curriculum

Read Terry’s CV

Email Terry at ude.umg@ikcawazt 

Terry Myers Zawacki is an emerita professor and former WAC and Writing Center director at George Mason University. She speaks and consults on building and sustaining WAC programs, developing and assessing WAC-focused QEPs, mapping and assessing writing in the disciplines; and working with second-language writers across disciplines. Prof. Zawacki’s co-authored/co-edited publications include Engaged Writers and Dynamic Disciplines, WAC and Second Language Writers, Writing Across the Curriculum: A Critical Sourcebook, and Re/Writing the Center: Approaches to Supporting Graduate Students in the Writing Center, as well as articles on a range of teaching-with-writing topics related to WAC, writing centers, graduate student writing, and WAC and English L2 writers. 

Areas of Expertise

Accreditation (SACS), Global WAC practice, Graduate-Student Communication, International/Multilingual Communication, Pedagogy: Writing to Learn (WTL); Writing to Engage (WTE); Writing in the Disciplines (WID), Professional Development of Cross-Disciplinary Faculty/TAs, Program Assessment, Restarting or Revitalizing WAC Programs, Starting a WAC Program, Sustaining/Developing a WAC Program, Quality Enhancement Plans, Writing Centers, Writing-Intensive Curriculum, Writing-Enriched Curriculum

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