INWAC Statement of WAC Principles and Practices
Developed by the International Network of Writing Across the Curriculum Programs (which is now the CCCC WAC Standing Group and endorsed by the CCCC Executive Committee in 2014, this comprehensive statement lays out a definition of WAC, goals and practices of WAC program development, WAC pedagogy, and WAC program assessment, followed by a bibliography of resources.
This statement was developed by an INWAC Committee in 2014. This committee included:
- Michelle Cox, Dartmouth College, Committee Chair
- Susan Chaudoir, University of Alberta
- Michael Cripps, University of New England
- Jeff Galin, Florida Atlantic University
- Jonathan Hall, York College
- O. Brian Kaufman, Quinebaug Valley Community College
- Suzanne Lane, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Mary McMullen-Light, Johnson County Community College
- Mya Poe, Northeastern University
- Teresa Redd, Howard University
- Lori Salem, Temple University
- Christopher Thaiss, University of California, Davis
- Marty Townsend, University of Missouri
- Terry Myers Zawacki, George Mason University, emeritus