Research and Publications Committee

The goal of the AWAC Research and Publications Committee is to promote excellence in WAC research by providing opportunities to network, recognizing exemplary work, and creating opportunities for wider and more diverse participation in WAC research agendas.

Research in WAC should not only support our current traditions of academic writing, but also challenge them. As a committee, we are especially interested in supporting WAC scholarship that centers on diverse, equitable, and inclusive research practices; anti-racist/anti-oppressive writing pedagogies; social justice; and the increasingly international character of WAC as a field. We see rich opportunities for growth in all these areas.

We welcome committee members from all academic ranks, graduate students and emeriti, tenured and untenured, contingent and contracted alike; a range of racialized, gendered, classed, and embodied identities and backgrounds; and institutional affiliations, including SLACs, MSIs, HBCUs, AANAPISIs, two-year colleges, tribal colleges, regional comprehensives, R1 universities, and institutions across the globe. We understand and value the ways these backgrounds, identities, and institutional contexts bear on the experiences, expertise, and needs our members bring to researching and publishing in the field.

Our current activities include:

  • Coordinating writing groups
  • Sponsoring research and dissertation grants
  • Mentoring WAC researchers
  • Partnering with editors and publishers in WAC
  • Sponsoring WAC-focused conference panels

Committee Members

Christopher Basgier
Jake Castle
Min-Seok Choi
Beth Carroll
Tom Deans (Chair)
Kimberly Donovan
Heather M. Falconer
Gracemarie Mike Fillenwarth
Susanne Hall
Jennifer Hartshorn
Ashley Holmes
Jacob Kaltenbach
Jacqueline Kauza
Kathleen Turner Ledgerwood
Maria Lewis
Andy Jiahao Liu
Jason Markins
Kgabo Maphoto
Shubhangi Mehrotra
Callie Messerschmid
Debbie Olson
Michael Pemberton
Gilma Linette Ramirez
Daniel Ruefman
Kershnee Sevnarayan
Stacey Sheriff
Chaoran Wang
Elizabeth Wardle
Hany Zaky
Junling Zhu