AWAC seeks to make resources available that promote WAC program development, research, and pedagogy. Some of the resources listed under the Resources menu were developed outside of AWAC and are available to the broader WAC community, such as the WAC Clearinghouse, WAC Statement of Principles and Practices, and the WAC email list. Others were created by AWAC, such as the AWAC Board of Consultants and the AWAC Virtual Workshops.
AWAC Board of Consultants
The AWAC Board of Consultants are AWAC members who have expertise in WAC program administration and pedagogy, and have been vetted by the AWAC Mentoring Committee and AWAC Executive Committee. These consultants may be contacted with invitations to lead WAC workshops, review WAC programs, and promote WAC program development.
AWAC Statement and Resources for WAC, Antiracism, and Social Justice
The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC) stands in solidarity with our Black colleagues, students, and community members. We recognize that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) continue to be disproportionately and negatively affected by not only the historical but also the ongoing effects of segregation, bias, and racism in the United States. We condemn racism; Black lives matter.
INWAC Statement of WAC Principles and Practices
Developed by the International Network of Writing Across the Curriculum Programs (which is now the CCCC WAC Standing Group and endorsed by the CCCC Executive Committee in 2014, this comprehensive statement lays out a definition of WAC, goals and practices of WAC program development, WAC pedagogy, and WAC program assessment, followed by a bibliography of resources.
Statement on Artificial Intelligence Writing Tools in Writing Across the Curriculum Settings
As scholars in the discipline of writing studies more fully explore the practical and ethical implications of AI language generators in classroom and other settings, we underscore this: Writing to learn is an intellectual activity that is crucial to the cognitive and social development of learners and writers. This vital activity cannot be replaced by AI language generators.
WAC Clearinghouse
The WAC Clearinghouse is widely regarded as the leading website supporting the use of writing and speaking in courses across the curriculum. The Clearinghouse publishes open-access journals and books of interest to the writing-across-the-curriculum community, hosts the CompPile database, provides a wide range of web-based resources for instructors who wish to use writing in their courses, and supports research in the use of writing to support learning and teaching.
WAC Listserv
The WAC listserv (WAC-L) is hosted by the University of Illinois Center for Writing Studies. It was started by Gail Harwisher in 1991 and is now managed by Peter Mortensen. WAC-L is open to all who are interested in WAC and provides an important forum for conversations about WAC program development, research, and pedagogy.
Quick Links
- An Introduction to WAC
- WAC Statement of Principles and Practices
- AWAC Statement and Resources for WAC, Antiracism, and Social Justice
- AWAC Statement on Artificial Intelligence Writing Tools in Writing Across the Curriculum Settings
- AWAC Virtual Workshops
- AWAC Board of Consultants
- WAC Bibliography
- WAC Links
- WAC Clearinghouse Books
- WAC Clearinghouse Journals (ATD, WAC Journal, Double Helix, and others)
- CompPile Database
- Conference Proceedings and Archives
- WAC and Writing Journals
- WAC and Writing Email Lists
- WAC Clearinghouse Writing Resources
- WAC Clearinghouse Teaching Resources