IWAC 2023 Call For Proposals – Due Sep. 15

The 16th IWAC Conference: June 14-17, 2023

Save the date!

The 16th International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference

Theme: WAC for Transitions: The Next 50 Years

Date: June 14-17, 2023

Location: Clemson University, Clemson, SC


  • Call for Proposals released: July 2022.
  • Proposals due: September 2022.
  • Registration: January 2023.
  • In-person and virtual attendance options.
  • Competitive grants are available for part-time and contingent faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students.

For more information: https://pearce.caah.clemson.edu/iwac-2023/

Email: moc.liamg@3202cawi

Statement on Buffalo Shooting

Statement on the Mass Shooting in Buffalo, NY

The abhorrent white supremacist killing of ten people in Buffalo, NY, sadly and urgently reminds all of us who teach writing, yet again, about the importance of anti-racist teaching. AWAC mourns the victims and condemns the perpetrator and the white supremacist beliefs that motivated him and that are fueling increases in racial violence across our country. We reaffirm our statement on anti-racist teaching linked here.

AWAC Business Meeting: June 7 @ 3:30 PM EDT

Save the date! The upcoming AWAC Business Meeting is open to the entire membership. Join us for updates from the AWAC Executive Committee and all of the AWAC committees and help us set priorities for the coming year.

The meeting will be Tuesday, June 7, 3:30pm to 5pm EDT. 

The Zoom link will be sent out/publicized closer to the meeting.

We would love to see you there!

AWAC Election Results

Congratulations to all of our new AWAC board members!

Dear AWAC Members:

The AWAC Executive Committee is very pleased to announce the results of the 2022 AWAC Election.

AWAC welcomes these individuals to the AWAC Executive Board in the following roles:

  • Incoming Chair: Justin Rademaekers, Associate Professor of English, West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Justin has been serving as AWAC secretary for the past three years.
  • Secretary: Karen Moroski-Rigney, Associate Director of the Writing Center, Michigan State University. Karen is new to AWAC leadership, and we welcome her to the AWAC Executive Committee. She will serve a three-year term.
  • Treasurer: Laurie Britt-Smith, Director of the Center for Writing, College of Holy Cross. Laurie will serve a second three-year term as AWAC treasurer.
  • Communication Committee Chair: Chrystal Fodrey, Director of the Writing Program at Moravian University. Chrystal has served on the AWAC Communication Committee since 2020 and will serve a two-year term as Chair.
  • WAC Graduate Organization Chair: Barbara Green, Assistant Chair of Composition and Writing Across the Curriculum at Purdue University Global. Barbara is new to the AWAC Executive Board and will serve a one-year term.

We look forward to working with all of our new AWAC board members. The new terms begin July 1, 2022. Congratulations to all!

The AWAC Executive Committee
Ann Blakeslee, Chair
Doug Hesse, Incoming Chair
Stacey Sheriff, Outgoing Chair
Justin Rademaekers, Secretary
Laurie Britt-Smith, Treasurer
Sherri Craig, Member-at-large
Paula Rosinski, Member-at-larger

Congratulations to the WAC Clearinghouse!

Support for Ukraine

Statement of Support for Ukraine

On behalf of our respective editorial boards, we share the news that the WAC Clearinghouse and the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum have issued the following statement of support for Ukraine.

The WAC Clearinghouse Editorial Board and the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC) Executive Board stand with the board of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW) in expressing solidarity with our colleagues who are affected by the Russian government’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, which we recognize as a violation of international laws, an attack on human rights, and a threat to civilized society. We also stand in solidarity with our colleagues at institutions of higher education in Russia whose rights and freedom have been threatened by their government for speaking out against this unjust war.

The boards of the WAC Clearinghouse and AWAC also join EATAW in pledging our help and support to our Ukrainian colleagues who are directly impacted by this unprovoked violence. This may include virtual consulting and class visits, scholarly resources, and support for the development and publication of anthologies as work is undertaken to rebuild and strengthen educational programs and institutions. Together, we express our strong collective desire for an end to this conflict and the preservation of Ukraine’s independence.

We encourage other professional organizations in writing studies to join us in extending support for our colleagues in Ukraine and Russia and seeking a peaceful resolution to this conflict.

Mike Palmquist, Publisher, The WAC Clearinghouse
Professor of English
Colorado State University

Ann Blakeslee, Chair, Association for Writing Across the Curriculum – on behalf of the AWAC Executive Board
Professor of English
Eastern Michigan University

Website launched for the Exemplary WAC Program Awards

A new website has been launched for the Exemplary WAC Program Awards!

Purpose and Overview of Awards

Three Exemplary WAC Program awards will be issued each award cycle, corresponding with the years dedicated to program building as specified below. This structure affirms that excellence occurs at all levels and honoring this excellence at different stages is important to advance writing across the curriculum at individual institutions as well as more generally as a field. Accordingly, the Exemplary WAC Program Awards series recognizes the extraordinary achievements of WAC directors and/or administrative teams to establish, maintain, and sustain programs that foster and facilitate exemplary engagement with writing across the curriculum at their institution, as well as institutional commitments to support these achievements. Such recognition can help programs build their reputations within their institutions, maintain and enhance their funding, and create momentum for writing across the curriculum. Award-winning programs will be recognized at IWAC, profiled on the WAC Clearinghouse and AWAC websites, and invited to host an AWAC workshop during the upcoming academic year. In this way, the Awards series also aims to support fledgling and future programs by identifying models and establishing a new venue for mentorship. The Awards series is sponsored by the WAC Clearinghouse and the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum.


Award for Exemplary Emerging WAC Program (1-5 years)

Award for Exemplary Established WAC Program (6-10 years)

Award for Exemplary Enduring WAC Program (11+ years)

Access more information at the website here:


The official call for nominations is expected within the next few days.

2021 Election Results

Congratulations to the following new members of the AWAC Executive Board:

Incoming Chair, Executive Committee
Doug Hesse, University of Denver
(chairs rotate through 1-year terms as Incoming, Current, and Outgoing chair)

Members-at-Large (2-year term)
Sherri Craig, Westchester University
Paula Rosinski, Elon University

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair (2-year term)
Co-Chairs Swan Kim | LaKeisha McClary (Confirmed)

International Collaborations Committee Chair (2-year term)
Co-Chairs Chris Anson | Federico Navarro (Confirmed)

Mentoring Committee Chair (2-year term)
Co-Chairs Amy Cicchino | Lindsay Clark (Confirmed)

Research and Publications Committee Chair (2-year term)
Co-Chairs Heather Falconer |Chris Basgier (Confirmed)

WAC Graduate Organization AWAC Committee Chair (1-year term)
Mandy Olejnik, Miami University of Ohio (Confirmed)

WAC Summer Institute Committee Chair (2-year term)
Alisa Russell, Wake Forest University (Confirmed)

Partnerships Committee Chair (2-year term)
Brad Jacobsen, University of Texas El Paso (Confirmed)

Note: Board Members assume their roles on July 1, 2021.

Ballot Question #1: Approved.
The following italicized text shall be added to bylaw 5.03 Terms:
4. Chairs of standing committees shall serve two-year terms. The WAC-GO AWAC Committee chair is an exception; this chair shall serve a one-year term.

Announcing AWAC Writing Groups!

During this time of continued social distancing, campus closures, and remote instruction, you may be feeling disconnected from your professional communities. To help build community support for our members, the AWAC Research and Publications Committee is proud to announce a new initiative to match interested members together into writing groups! Writing groups typically take one of three forms, but of course group members can decide how they want their groups to run (e.g., synchronous versus asynchronous).

  • Concurrent Writing Group (Low time commitment, low interaction, little structure): Participants meet weekly and write at the same time. Participants might check in on their progress at the beginning and/or end of the session.
  • Accountability Writing Group (Low time commitment, high interaction, moderate structure): Participants meet weekly to discuss progress on last week’s goals, set goals for the upcoming week, and share.
  • Peer Response Group (Moderate time commitment, high interaction, moderate structure): Participants meet weekly to give feedback on developing drafts. Response Groups can choose for all members to share a bit of writing (about two pages) every week or focus on one member’s longer draft each week.

Writing groups are open to current AWAC members. Please visit the AWAC membership page to become a member.

If you are already a member and are interested in participating in a writing group, please fill out this registration survey by Sunday, August 30th. We will respond to participants with their group contact information and additional resources by Tuesday, September 8th. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Basgier, Interim Co-Chair of the AWAC Research and Publications Committee, at ude.nrubua@reigsab.sirhc.