Exemplary WAC Program Award Winners

The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum and the WAC Clearinghouse are pleased to announce the winners of the inaugural Exemplary WAC Program Awards. The Exemplary WAC Program Awards series recognizes the extraordinary achievements of WAC directors and/or administrative teams to establish, maintain, and sustain programs that foster and facilitate exemplary engagement with writing across the curriculum at their institution, as well as institutional commitments to support these achievements. Please join us in celebrating the 2022 winning programs in the following categories:

The 2022 Exemplary Emerging WAC Program (1-5 years) is

Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of Arizona 

Director, Aimee Mapes

The 2022 Exemplary Established WAC Program (6-10 years) is

Writing Across the College, Salt Lake Community College 

Director, Tiffany Rousculp

The 2022 Exemplary Enduring WAC Program (11+ years) is

The Howe Writing Across the Curriculum program at Miami University 

Director, Elizabeth Wardle 

These programs are all doing more than supporting writing across the curriculum; they are making shifts to the culture of writing on their campuses and beyond—having impact at a broad scale. Their applications exemplify the expansive energy that fosters exemplary-ness, and this energy is what we hope these winning programs encourage and inspire among other WAC programs.

You can learn more about the awards program and view profiles for the winning programs (forthcoming) online at https://wac.colostate.edu/community/awards/programs/

All the best,

Mike Palmquist, WAC Clearinghouse publisher

Doug Hesse, AWAC chair