Seeking Nominations for Incoming Chair

AWAC will be holding an election for the position of Incoming Chair at the end of January. This is a three-year commitment, as this person would cycle into the Chair and Past Chair positions. To read more about the responsibilities of this position, see our bylaws, article 5.02. The term will start July 1, 2020.

You may nominate an AWAC member for this position by providing the nominee’s name and contact information. You may nominate yourself for this position by providing the following information:

  • Your contact information and institutional affiliation
  • A short bio (100 words)
  • A short statement (100 words) on why you wish to serve as Incoming Chair (brainstorming prompts: What do you hope to accomplish as an AWAC board member? What is your vision for AWAC? What perspective and/or experience would you bring to the board?)

Nominations and self-nominations are due by January 17, 2020. Nominees must be in good standing with AWAC. Nominations may be sent to AWAC Chair Michelle Cox at gro.noitaicossacaw@nimda.