This virtual event was held on September 22nd 2021 from 2:00-3:30pm ET. The speakers requested everyone bring a syllabus to participate in this interactive workshop. The recording is provided below:
Our speakers are Genevieve García de Müeller and Ana Cortés Lagos from Syracuse University. This interactive workshop will guide participants through a reflection on how writing is conceptualized and taught across the curriculum, and identifying potential sites for critical, antiracist WAC interventions. All attendees are asked to bring a syllabus from a disciplinary course (you can bring your writing course syllabus as well!).
Genevieve García de Müeller, tenure-track assistant professor and Writing Across Curriculum (WAC) coordinator at Syracuse University, was awarded a 2015-2016 CCCC Research Initiative Grant. She is the Founder and Chair of the Council of Writing Program Administration (CWPA) People of Color Caucus and holds a position on the CWPA Executive Board. Her WAC program recently won the CCCC Writing Program of Excellence award.
Ana Cortés Lagos is ABD in Writing Studies, Rhetoric and Composition at Syracuse University, and Asst. Editor for the Latin American Section of the WAC Clearinghouse International Exchange series. Her research focuses on transnational writing studies and WAC/WID. Her most recent publications appear in Latinx Writing and Rhetoric Studies and College English.
Questions? Please contact AWAC Mentoring Committee Co-Chairs Amy Cicchino (ude.nrubua@7500cta) and Lindsay Clark (ude.ushs@kralcl)