AWAC Reads: Zoom Discussion of “When Generative Artificial Intelligence Meets Multimodal Composition”

Zoom , United States
Mentoring Committee is delighted to announce our next AWAC Reads for November 2024! AWAC’s Mentoring Committee is delighted to announce our AWAC Reads article for November 2024! AWAC Reads is a reading group that aims to create a space for collegial conversation about WAC and writing scholarship. Both AWAC members and non-members are welcome to participate! […]

AWAC Virtual Workshop – Maintaining Inclusivity in WAC: Conversations and Strategies Amid Legal and Legislative Challenges to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts

Zoom , United States
AWAC’s Mentoring Committee is delighted to host Laurie Pinkert and Ming Fang for a virtual workshop: “Maintaining Inclusivity in WAC: Conversations and Strategies Amid Legal and Legislative Challenges to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts.”  This workshop will explore how the WAC programs at University of Central Florida and Florida International University are responding to recent legislative challenges to DEI […]

AWAC Summer Reads: Zoom Discussion of “Masking Inequality with Good Intentions: Systemic Bias, Counterspaces, and Discourse Acquisition in STEM Education”

Zoom , United States
Mentoring Committee is delighted to announce a discussion of our AWAC Summer Reads book!   AWAC Summer Reads is an extension of our AWAC Reads reading group, which aims to create a space for collegial conversation about WAC and writing scholarship. Both AWAC members and non-members are welcome to participate! (Not yet an AWAC member? Click […]

AWAC Virtual Workshop on Ungrading: Anti-ableist and Anti-racist Approaches

Zoom , United States
AWAC’s Mentoring Committee is delighted to host Molly Ubbesen, Aaron Bruenger, and Bronson Lemer for a virtual workshop: “AWAC Ungrading Workshop: Anti-ableist and Anti-racist Approaches.”  Assessment is a ubiquitous factor in the teaching of writing, but assessment practices have often been influenced, whether overtly or subtly, by racist and ableist assumptions and expectations. Ungrading offers a more learning-centered approach to […]

AWAC Reads: Zoom Discussion of “Writing Assignment Prompts Across the Curriculum: Using the DAPOE Framework for Improved Teaching and Aggregable Research”

Zoom , United States
Mentoring Committee is delighted to announce our next AWAC Reads for April 2024!   AWAC Reads, a hybrid reading group, aims to create a space for collegial conversation about WAC and writing scholarship. Both AWAC members and non-members are welcome to participate! (Not yet an AWAC member? Click here to learn more.) What is our upcoming […]

AWAC Reads: Zoom Discussion of “A Dual Mission: Antiracist Writing Instruction and Instructor Attitudes about Student Language”

Zoom , United States
Announcing AWAC Reads, a new program from the AWAC Mentoring Committee!   What is AWAC Reads? Keeping up-to-date on scholarship is often challenging for busy academics. Additionally, it can be a lonely endeavor, with few opportunities to dig into and discuss publications with colleagues. AWAC Reads, a hybrid reading group, aims to create a space […]

AWAC Virtual Roundtable: WAC Exemplars: How Award-Winning Programs Make WAC Work

Zoom , United States
AWAC’s Mentoring Committee is delighted to host the following virtual roundtable:   Event: WAC Exemplars Roundtable: How Award-Winning Programs Make WAC Work All AWAC members are invited to join us for this virtual roundtable on Wednesday, February 7, from 3-4:15 Eastern/2-3:15pm Central/1-2:15pm Mountain/12-1:15pm Pacific.   Presenters: Sara Glennon, Landmark College, winner of the 2023 Exemplary Emerging WAC Program Award John Kipp, Landmark […]

AWAC Workshop: The Latest Arrival: Reflecting on Generative AI’s Enrollment in Writing-Intensive Courses

Zoom , United States
AWAC’s Mentoring Committee is delighted to host Dr. Laura Allen and Dr. Gavin Johnson for a virtual workshop exploring “The Latest Arrival: Reflecting on Generative AI’s Enrollment in Writing-Intensive Courses.” As we approach the conclusion of the first full semester during which generative AI tools have become widely recognized, discussed, and integrated into certain classrooms, […]

WAC-GO Collaboration Event

Zoom , United States
What is WAC-GO? The Writing Across the Curriculum Graduate Organization (WAC-GO) supports and advocates for graduate students interested in writing across the curriculum work. The committee collaborates with other AWAC committees on the mentoring of graduate students, support for WAC research and publications, and other projects that align with both missions. WAC-GO, in collaboration with […]

WAC-GO Collaboration Event

Zoom , United States
What is WAC-GO? The Writing Across the Curriculum Graduate Organization (WAC-GO) AWAC Committee supports and advocates for graduate students interested in writing across the curriculum work. The committee collaborates with other AWAC committees on the mentoring of graduate students, support for WAC research and publications, and other projects that align with both missions. WAC-GO, in […]

WAC Exemplary Award Winner Roundtable

Zoom , United States
Join us for an exciting virtual roundtable on Wednesday, April 5th at 3pm Eastern/ 2pm Central/ 1pm Mountain/ 12pm Pacific, featuring Elizabeth Wardle, PhD; Mandy Olejnik, PhD; Aimee Mapes, PhD; and Emily Jo Schwaller, PhD, winners of the 2022 Exemplary WAC awards. The Exemplary WAC Program Awards series recognizes the extraordinary achievements of WAC directors […]

Virtual Workshop – Turning the Page: Notes Towards Mindfulness, Motivation, and Meaningful Work at HBCU Writing Centers and Programs

Zoom , United States
Join us for an exciting virtual workshop on Friday, October 21st at 1pm. U.S. Eastern/12pm U.S. Central/ 11am U.S. Mountain/ 10am U.S. Pacific, presented by Dr. Kendra Mitchell, Dr. Robert Randolph, Jr., and Amber Lunderman. If you are an AWAC or GSOLE member, register for the event by clicking HERE. Interested guests can review our individual […]