IWAC 2020 / 2021
Colorado State University Fort Collins, COView the three plenaries about the past, present, and future of WAC below!
You can find the speakers bios at https://iwac.colostate.edu/program/complete/
Plenary 1: Welcomes, brief remarks from the conference team, and a plenary presentation by Carol Rutz and Chris Thaiss. The title of their talk is "WAC Fearlessness, Sustainability, and Adaptability Over Five Decades." Jesse McLain introduces the plenary speakers.
Plenary 2: Brief updates from the conference team, the first WAC Awards presentations, and a plenary presentation by Pamela Flash and Teresa Redd. The title of their talk is "WAC @ 50: Where are we now?" Madeline Halseth introduces the plenary speakers.
Plenary 3: Brief updates from the conference team, introduction of the IWAC 2023 conference host, and a plenary presentation by Al Harahap, Federico Navarro, and Alisa Russell. The title of their talk is "Writing across More-than-the-Curriculum: A Conversation Toward Diversifying, Professionalizing, and Renovating WAC." Caleb González introduces the plenary speakers.